Thursday, July 10, 2008

We are rolling!!!

I know it has been forever since I've updated. I'm sorry I promise to get more post on here.

Well Kash is now rolling from his back to his belly, which he hates by the way. Last Monday Troy and I were doing laundry and packing for our vacation to Destin and Kash was trying so hard to roll over. The minute I walk into the kitchen he did it. Troy got to see it. I ran and grabbed the camera and took some pictures. Well then he got mad!!! He didn't like being on his belly.

He is getting so big so fast. Before we know it he will be walking and talking.


Amrine Jrs. said...

Great job Kash! Such a cutie!

TheRielThing said...

Yay Kash!!! You are soooo cute boy!