Wednesday, August 22, 2007

14 Week Check Up

We went to the doctor again yesterday for our monthly check up and heard the heartbeat again. This time it was at 155. The Doctor laughed when we asked what it was and told us not to believe the heart rate rumors because they are not always true!! Who knows. We go back on the 4th of September for the Quad test (this is the blood test where they detect for down syndrome and other stuff.) We had a hard time deciding if we were going to do it or not but have decided to go ahead. We will then go back on the 18th for the monthly check up then the next week will be the big sono where they check all the heart valves, the brain, and as the doctor says the bonus is the crotch. Ha Ha. He told Troy that when he asked if that was when we get to find out if it is a boy or not. We love Dr. Tatum he always makes us laugh. It is good to have a Dr. that make you laugh and not feel stupid for asking why you have a rash on your back and why you have weird looking ant bites, we ask some funny questions I guess but he always just tells us we are funny. I've learned that we have a lot to learn about being parents!!!!!!!

Hope eveyone is well love to all!


Amrine Jrs. said... please! I did not convince you to start this thing so I could READ about your pregnancy - I want to SEE the belly!! :)

The Prosper Russells said...

where are the PICS??????????????????????????????????? :)