Monday, August 6, 2007

12 weeks!

Here I am at 12 weeks. Hopefully this means that the tiredness will go away. We have 2 more months until we can find out what our little lime is. We have started looking for our crib. We went to Canton this weekend to pick out some baby stuff and they had a whole lot of girl stuff but Troy is still hoping for the boy so he didn't like anything girly. The pregnancy is going good now I'm just still really tired and very grouchy. (poor Troy) Everyone says it is normal though so I will owe Troy some big favors since he is just letting me gripe. What a good hubby. He is loving life right now because I go to bed around 8 every night and he gets to watch whatever TV he wants or he gets to play his Xbox.


The Prosper Russells said...

cute lil tummy!

Amrine Jrs. said...

I'm so glad you posted again! Gosh, what does a girl have to do to see some pictures around here? :)

So cute! Can't wait to meet the little princess!

Unknown said...

you mean little PRINCE